Extra-Curricular & Extended Clubs

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Ashbrook offers a comprehensive extra-curricular programme for all pupils who wish to participate. Extra-curricular activities are after school from 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm.

Clubs vary from term to term and timetables are given to parents at the beginning of each half term, giving full details of all clubs available. Information is also provided on how to sign up for the club of your child’s choice via our online booking system.

Some clubs are run by external specialists and others are run by Ashbrook staff members.

Spring Term 2 2024


Northampton Saints Rugby Club - Year 1 and Year 2
Rugby club will be run by qualified coaches from Northampton Saints Rugby Club. The aim is to teach children to be active and discover their inner champion to help grow their self-esteem, raise their aspirations and achieve their potential, covering rugby’s five core values of teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship

Rugby club will run for 5 weeks, starting on Monday 26 February, at a cost of £25. Please book via ParentMail.

Gardening Club - Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2
Gardening club will be run by Miss Woolley, Foundation teaching assistant for 5 weeks starting on Monday 26 February at a cost of £20. Please book via ParentMail.

Lego Club - Year 1 and Year 2
Lego Club will be run by Miss Hodgkins, Year 2 class teacher, for 5 weeks, starting on Monday 26 February at a cost of £24.98. Bookings can be made using this link click here


Socatots Club - Foundation
SOCATOTS is a unique and innovative programme developed by Brazilian Soccer Schools. The aim is to engage more children in physical activity, using football as a medium. They teach basic movement patterns, balance and motor coordination, whilst developing motor skills, movement, speech, numeracy, colour identification, communication and teamwork skills in a fun way.

Socatots will run for 5 weeks, starting on Tuesday 27 February, at a cost of £25. Please book via ParentMail


Puzzle Club - Year 1 and Year 2
Puzzle Club will be by Miss Cameron, teaching assistant for 5 weeks, starting on Wednesday 28 February at a cost of £20. Please book via ParentMail


Craft Club - Year 1 and Year 2
Craft Club will be run by Miss Begum, Year 1 class teacher for 5 weeks, starting on Thursday 29 February, at a cost of £20. Please book via ParentMail


Football Club - Year 1 and Year 2
Football Club is run by FA qualified coaches from Brazilian Soccer Schools, experienced with working with children of all ages. These are structured skill-based sessions, working from a syllabus of over 200 skills, to create very technical able players. Every child has a ball to themselves and Samba music is used in some sessions to increase atmosphere, work rate, rhythm and to aid concentration.

This club will run for 4 weeks, starting on Friday 1 March at a cost of £20.00. Please book via ParentMail

If you have any queries please contact Marina Moore mmoore@ashbrookschool.net 01908 561366.