Year 1

There are two classes in Year 1 at Ashbrook School, one is called the Zebras class and one is called the Giraffes class. In the Zebras class, the teacher is Mrs Watkins and in the Giraffes class, the teacher is Miss Begum. Year 1 are supported by Mrs Brahmbhatt and Mrs McGovern.

Our classes are next door to each other and we have a wonderful shared area, where we can continue our learning. We are also lucky enough to have a spacious outside area where we can explore and develop our knowledge and understanding.

Year 1 is an important new adventure for the children, as they start to become more independent and take part in more structured learning.

We have Read, Write Inc phonics every morning, followed by Maths and English. In the afternoons, we enjoy our Foundation subjects such as History, Geography, Science, PE, PSHE, Music, Computing and Religious Education.

In addition, we perform a Christmas play. We also have days where we celebrate special occasions, such as Diwali, Eid and Chinese New Year. We also plan exciting enrichment activities such as Science Week, World Book Day and various sporting events.

We always look to plan in school trips and have special visitors that will link and enhance our learning and help to embed the skills and knowledge we have as well as bringing new learning to life.

Please look out for updates about our current learning in the half termly curriculum newsletters. If you feel you are able to come in and support us with an area of learning, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Overviews of learning

Each half term we will publish additional information about the knowledge and skills (key learning) that will be covered across the curriculum. Please refer to the overviews when focusing on how to support your child at home. Your child's class teacher will be able to talk through any queries that you may have.

Year 1 Overview of learning Summer 2 2024

Overview of Learning Summer 1 2024

Overview of Learning Spring 2 2024

Year 1 Curriculum Information Parent Presentation

Overview of learning (Spring 1) Jan 2024

Overview of learning (Autumn 2) Nov 2023

Year 1 Autumn Term 1 (September 2023) Curriculum Newsletter