Home Learning

Research into the impact of home learning demonstrates that when homework tasks are specific and focused on the learning that is taking place in school, they have the most impact.

Our aims for home learning are that parents will feel supported to;

  • Strengthen children’s current learning.
  • Prepare children for future learning.
  • Ensure that all children can keep up, not just catch up.
  • Meet the needs of children with additional needs.
  • Give all children the opportunity to secure basic skills in reading, maths and spelling.
  • Bridge the gap between home and school; providing parents and carers with direct involvement in their child’s learning.
  • Provide consistency across the school by knowing what to expect.

How can parents support their children?

Talking to your child about their day

We would therefore encourage parents to daily converse with their children about what they have learnt at school by having simple chats.

  • Tell me about the most interesting thing you have learnt today?
  • What did you enjoy most about today’s learning?
  • What do you think you are going to be learning about next?
  • How could you have improved your learning today?

Valuing the contribution home learning can make

We want parents to;

  • Make it clear to their child that they value home learning, and support the school by explaining how it can help their learning.
  • Carry out home learning tasks in quiet places away from distractions whenever possible.
  • Encourage and praise them when they have completed home learning tasks.
  • Ensure the quality of work at least matches the quality of work in school. Children should be encouraged to take a pride in their work and handwriting should be similar to school expectations.
  • Use a good quality pencil or pen. They should not write in felt tips or crayons.
  • Pick the right time and persevere, because it is important they understand they need to fulfil their expectations.
  • Talk to their child’s class teacher if it is becoming difficult.
  • Share the successes with your child's class teacher!


Reading and sharing books is absolutely vital for a child’s development. We know children who read frequently do better in school. Therefore we encourage parents to read with their child every night.

Phonics fully decodable book – Children working within the Read Write Inc programme will bring home a fully decodable book chosen by their phonics teacher, which matches the level of the sounds they have been learning that week. This book can be read independently by the child, and they are encouraged to read it at least 3 times to build their fluency.

After reading we ask parents to write a brief comment or sign their child's reading record book so that staff can discuss the books the children have read and can see their progress at home.

We expect all children to read a minimum of 5 times per week.  Teachers check how often each child is reading at home and parents are actively encouraged to meet our expectations. Children will be rewarded with a star for every 5 reads recorded. These stars means rewards for children.

We ask that parents continue reading to their child even when they are a fluent reader. Reading to your child until the age of 11 years significantly improves academic success. We encourage parents to read books that are more challenging and include words your child may have not yet encountered. This will improve not only their reading ability but their vocabulary and consequently, their writing.

Library book - Each child will take a library book in their book bag each week. The children are able to make a choice of any book from our library to ensure they can develop the wider love of reading. Reading for pleasure comes from within and your child may be interested in dinosaurs, religion, poetry, gardening, etc. Your child is not expected to be able to read all of the words. The book is for sharing and there is a lot of value in talking about books.

Bug Club – All children have access Bug Club by visiting www.activelearnprimary.co.uk and entering their log in details. Bug Club provides children with a range of engaging and rich texts in the form of eBooks. Children can read the eBooks themselves, or have them read to them using the audio feature. Each eBook comes with an exciting quiz to complete that will support children in developing their comprehension skills. Children also have the opportunity to earn virtual coins as rewards to spend in their Bug Club world.

Spelling and Grammar

Spellings - Weekly spellings will be sent home every Friday via the letterjoin platform and tested the following Friday. These spellings will relate to phonics and spelling patterns the children have been learning in school. Children are expected to practice these words several times throughout the week in order to help them commit the spellings to memory. We recommend using the look-cover-write-check method.

Handwriting – As children practice their spellings via letterjoin they will be encouraged to write and practice these using their very best handwriting in their home learning book. Also via letterjoin, children can enjoy games and activities to practise their handwriting using the same methods we teach in school.

Grammar and Spelling Bug - Children will be set grammar and spelling activities on the Active Learn website that correspond with their learning in school. Children are expected to complete short tasks, quizzes and games to consolidate their learning. This will not necessarily be set weekly, but as and when it fits with the teaching sequence at school.


Reception - to practise counting from 1 to 20 and to practise recognising and writing these numbers.

Year 1 - to practise number bonds from 1 – 10 and then 1 - 20. This can be done using our online platform called Numbots. They can also be practised at home using objects or counters, pictures and number bond cards.

Year 2 - to increase their fluency when recalling number facts to 20 and beyond.  They are also expected to practise their times tables for 2x 10x and 5x tables. These can be done using our online platform called Numbots for number bonds and TT Rockstars for tables.  It can also be done through chanting, singing, writing and any other online games and apps. Children can also deepen their understanding by practising the related division facts.

Year 1 & 2 will also receive maths consolidation in their home learning book each week in the form of a practice worksheet.