Sports Premium

Sports premium report 2022-23

Sports Premium plan for 2021-2022

PE & Sports Premium Statement 2020:2021

PE & Sport Funding – Sports Premium

Our PE lead is Momtaz Begum

Sports Premium funding is allocated towards addressing and improving whole school health and not just sports. Health and well being in school for both children and staff has always been a priority, but we will now have funding to support this area.  The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision and supporting children’s health in schools.   We are looking carefully at the funding this year to ensure continued progression of learning and positive encouragement of participation in PE by all children. Providing new opportunities and awareness of a variety of sports, new and old and encouraging a love of sport and fitness for their future. Our teaching aims to achieve a high level of fitness and achieve agility, balance and co-ordination through exciting lessons and fitness days. We will also be looking into how we can encourage a healthier lifestyle and addressing obesity and dental health.

At Ashbrook School the funding has been allocated in the following ways:   To” buy in” to the Milton Keynes School Partnership package which provides opportunities for;

  1. Support and training for subject leader – this includes termly training and access to school sports coordinators who advise and use their expertise to support in schools.
  2. Support and training for teachers/other adults in school

We have looked carefully at training and provision so far and training courses this year will be for newer members of staff who have not benefitted from all the courses in the last few years. Our PE Co-ordinator has completed observations of staff and audits of staff need to decide upon appropriate training requirements.

This year we are undertaking training in the following areas:

  • Dance, Games, Gymnastics and Early Years physical activity
  • PE Co-ordinator training
  • Health and Fitness training
  • OAA
  • New multi skills planning and implementation.

Other PE experiences for the children:

  • Fit 'n' Fun festival – year 1 and 2
  • Multi skills festival - whole school
  • Athletics festival – whole school
  • Brazilian football day - whole school
  • Zumba day - whole school
  • Yoga day - whole school
  • Balancability - EYFS
  • Active afternoons - whole school

We now run a selection of after school clubs in a variety of sports, this coming school year we hope to buy in new clubs after trying taster days and looking at children’s questionnaires.


  • We will purchase equipment to enhance the curriculum and extracurricular delivery
  •  Equipment needs replenishment and replacement where necessary
  • We will be looking at buying in any equipment and planning used on courses during the year
  • We will also be including assemblies, teaching sessions and bringing in outside agencies to support and address improving whole school health.
  • We have already been in contact with a healthy school organisation and we have an assembly booked for January where initially we will focus on dental health and provide all children with toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • We are in discussion with our SSCO and with her support will be planning other new initiatives to address improving whole school health and reduce obesity

Examples of intended impact include:

  • Children engaged in PE and sporting activities
  • Children are able to confidently talk about why it is important to keep healthy and how PE helps them to be fit and happy children
  • Children are introduced to new sports and gain skills in these that will benefit them in the future
  • Increased number of children taking part in sports and this leads to them participating in sport outside school and enjoying competitive sports
  • Staff receives CPD that will ensure that they will be more confident in delivering High Quality Physical Education
  • Children enjoy PE and are more motivated in all areas of the curriculum and their concentration is better due to participation in different sports
  • Children are talking about sport and are energised and enthusiastic in other areas of the curriculum
  • Children understand how and why they need to keep clean and healthy
  • Children make good choices to enable a healthy body and lifestyle

Useful Links

GOV.UK PE and sport premium for primary schools.