Year 2 Trip to Cadbury World
March 12 @ 07:45 - 16:00
We are excited to share that our Year 2 children will be visiting Cadbury World on Wednesday 12 March, as part of their chocolate unit in writing. This enriching trip will provide an engaging and memorable opportunity for the children to explore the fascinating process of chocolate production, bring their learning to life, and inspire their writing back in the classroom.
Please ensure your child is in school by 7:45am on this day. Unfortunately, anyone who is late will be unable to attend as the coach must leave promptly at 8.00am.
We will depart from school at 8.00am and return by 4.00pm.
To make this wonderful experience possible, we kindly request a voluntary contribution of £23 per child to cover the cost of transport, entry, and activities. Please note that if we do not receive sufficient contributions, we may regrettably need to cancel the trip.
We ask that all payments and permissions be submitted via MCAS by Friday 7 March at the very latest.
Chartwells will be offering a cheese sandwich packed lunch for your child on this day, if you would like them to have it.
If you order any of the school dinner menu options on Parentpay for Wednesday 12 March, your child will automatically be provided with a cheese sandwich packed lunch to take with them.
If you would prefer your child to bring a packed lunch from home on this day, please do not order anything for Wednesday 12 March.
If your child is bringing a packed lunch from home they will need a disposable water bottle and their lunch should be in a named plastic bag, which will all be disposed of at the site.
If you have any questions about the trip, please do not hesitate to contact the school office contact@ashbrookschool.net 01908 561366 in confidence; we are here to support you.
Thank you for your ongoing support in helping to provide these valuable learning experiences for our children.