Year 2 Trip to College Lake
February 25 @ 09:15 - 14:00
We are very fortunate to have an opportunity for Year 2 children to visit College Lake in Tring on Tuesday 25 February, for the whole day, to take part in a range of outdoor adventures out on the reserve. This trip will be free of charge, however we will still need your permission via MCAS in ‘Events’.
We will be taking part in three different activities
- Sensory Walk – to experience sights, smells, sounds and touch
- Nature Detectives – to hunt for clues and solve a nature mystery in the woods
- Pond dipping – to get a hands-on exploration of the pond
We aim to leave school by 9:15am to get to our destination at 9:45am. Â Please ensure your child is dropped off promptly at 8:40am. We will be back in time for end of the school day.
Chartwells will be offering a cheese sandwich packed lunch for your child on this day, if you would like them to have it.
If you order any of the school dinner menu options on Parentpay for Tuesday 25 February, your child will automatically be provided with a cheese sandwich packed lunch to take with them.
If you would prefer your child to bring a packed lunch from home on this day, please do not order anything for Tuesday 25 February.
If your child is bringing a packed lunch from home they will need a disposable water bottle and their lunch should be in a named plastic bag, which will all be disposed of at the site.
The children will need to wear school uniform, a warm waterproof coat and wellington boots. If your child’s wellington boots are in school, we will be changing into them before we leave.
If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Begum mbegum@ashbrookschool.net