Fathers Day Afternoon

We would like to invite one parent, carer or family member to join us to spend time with your child at our Fathers Day Afternoon  on Friday 14 June at 2.30-3.00pm. Please arrive at 2.30pm and join your child in their classroom. If you have children in different year groups, you will be able to…

Year 1 Trip to Hogshaw Farm

We are excited to inform you that a visit to Hogshaw Farm has been scheduled for Year 1 children on Friday 21st June 2024. This visit has been planned to enhance our learning of animals in their habitats, as part of our science lessons during the summer term. The children will get the chance to…

Foundation Trip to Woburn Safari Park

We are excited to inform you that a visit to Woburn Safari Park has been scheduled for the Foundation children on Monday 24th June 2024. This visit has been planned to enhance our learning of habitats and life cycles in our Understanding of the World lessons, during the summer term. Children will get the chance…